Here are our details:
Trade name: Great Brands Direct
Phone number: 011 568 8235
067 130 3876
Physical address: 51 Nelson Mandela Avenue, Randhart, Alberton, Gauteng, 1457, South Africa (Formerly Michelle Avenue)
VAT number: 4330232713
Registration number: B2005095152
Note: We are an online store and do not sell directly at the address above, all sales are processed on our website.
Our business hours:
You can still place orders or send enquiries outside of these times, just note that we will process the orders when we open.
Thursday | 8am–5pm |
Friday | 8am–5pm |
Saturday | Closed |
Sunday | Closed |
Monday | 8am–5pm |
Tuesday | 8am–5pm |
Wednesday | 8am–5pm |
Please submit your details below and we'll get back to you shortly